
My name is Leslie and I’m teaching Storytelling Techniques. In my spare time, I also write scripts and direct programs with the greater and more noble goal of elevating the level of television entertainment both in Singapore and wherever else I can.

Over the last 10 years or so, I have run the gamut of the film and television industry in Singapore and regionally, doing things like loading film magazines in the backs of smelly moving vans, yelling at lacklustre extras (you can only get so much motivation from $30 a day, I suppose), applying dulling spray on a $150,000 car (a personal achievement), doing script re-writes in a tent in the middle of a sandstorm in the Ghobi, taking my commas for granted, almost coming to blows with a red-faced bouncer seemingly plucked off the set of the Sopranos just for the sole purpose of asking me for my press credentials at a Kanye party in New York, directing a bunch of rowdy children and unruly animals and not knowing the difference between both at the end of the day, wiping bird poo off the top of the head of the Sir Stamford Raffles statue at Empress Place (there’s a lot of poo – trust me) and finally settling on teaching people on how to do all of the above (again, trust me, this one’s the hardest.)

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